Finding Community Post-Grad

Cultivating Community Post-Grad

I’m sure at one point or another you’ve heard about how hard and lonely the transition is from college to post-grad life. And while there may be some truth to that, one factor that plays a huge role in the difficulty of this season is lack of community. When you’re in college, you’re constantly surrounded by friends, classmates, and even friends of friends. When you leave that environment and enter the workforce and maybe even move, a lot shifts and it can start to feel lonely. That’s why we want to talk about the importance of finding community post-grad, and some ways you can cultivate community!

What This Means For Us

In these times it’s important to lean in and seek out life-giving community. Sometimes the thought of that can feel overwhelming, but we want to provide you with some tangible ways to start looking for community during your post-grad season. Here are just a few ideas we want to suggest on finding community post-grad:

– Get plugged in at your church! There are so many ways to get involved at your church, including serving or even just joining a community group. This will open the door to meeting so many life-giving people.

– Attend events or socials for your favorite hobbies! More and more, businesses are hosting pop-ups and special events. These are easy ways to meet new people who have similar interests as you.

– Join the KAIO community!  This is an easy way to begin to make friendships from the convenience of your phone. KAIO has cultivated a community of like-minded women who are walking in similar seasons. Be sure to lean into this community that’s at your fingertips!

These are just a few ways to get plugged in wherever you land post-grad, and can help you begin to make life-giving, like-minded friendships once you leave the college environment. We hope this devotional has made you feel empowered and equipped to begin cultivating the community you were made for! 🤍